Catégorie : story
The fat man has an air of authority around him. He is seating lazily, hands on his shirt, waiting for the crowd to move. Next to him crouches a child with the stern eyes of a watch dog. A villager comes forth, chances a request. With an unshaven smile, the petty lord denies it. You…
Citizen Zhang
This post is part of the EVE Blog Banter, a monthly EVE Online blogging extravaganza created by CrazyKinux. Any questions about the EVE Blog Banter should be directed to him. The third topic comes from Roc Wieler, who asks us to « write a story about a fellow EVE Blogger, or an EVE player whom has…
Kurt speaks 2
Rasp does say a lot of things that make little sense. Mainly, he produces some Kislevite gibberish about a stack of gold that ought to be his and isn’t. We just learn to go daddy-ya-cool whenever he has one of those fits.But Rasp is also the man with the look in the eye, with last…
Kurt speaks
I’m a sucker for a pretty face, like just about anybody who does not hang around some large bag of money or power, I guess. I don’t have no dough and I don’t have no power beyond the tip of my sword. I have been called callous and I have tried to fit in with…