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  • Mr. Arkadin (Confidential Report) (Orson Welles, 1955)

    And now I’m going to tell you about a scorpion. A scorpion wanted to cross a river, so he asked a frog to carry him.« No« , said the frog. « No, thank you. If I let you on my back you may sting me, and the sting of the scorpion means death.– Now where« , asked the scorpion,…

  • La jungle nue (Philip José Farmer, 1968)

    Lorsqu’ils parlent de l’Afrique, Hemingway et son épigone Ruark ne disent en général qu’un tas de conneries. Ou, pour utiliser une expression plus imagée, ils ont de la merde plein les yeux et ça les empêche de voir plus loin que le bout de leur stylo-bille. Mais il leur arrive parfois de faire des remarques…

  • When I’m old and other stories (Gabrielle Bell, 2003)

    One day I realized that I was no longer a genius. I had allowed myself to gradually erode into just an average person. But what was even worse was I was still hanging onto this conception of what I thought I once was. It was easier than taking responsibility for my fucked up life. In…

  • Première épître aux Corinthiens (saint Paul, 57)

    Quand je parlerais les langues des hommes et des anges, si je n’ai pas l’amour, je ne suis plus qu’airain qui sonne ou cymbale qui retentit. Quand j’aurais le don de prophétie et que je connaîtrais tous les mystères et toute la science, quand j’aurais la plénitude de la foi, une foi à transporter des…

  • Shadow Games (Glen Cook, 1989)

    I guess each of us, at some time, finds one person with whom we are compelled toward absolute honesty, one person whose good opinion of us becomes a substitute for the broader opinion of the world. And that opinion becomes more important than all our sneaky, sleazy schemes of greed, lust, self-aggrandizement, whatever we are…