Catégorie : FR

  • Que faire d’un mari gênant ?

    Un malheureux perruquier de la Rochelle plaida sa cause devant l’intendant. Sa femme, Madeleine Guillermin, s’étant abandonnée à toutes sortes de débauches dans lesquelles elle avait même prostitué sa fille, le voyait tout prêt à implorer le bras de la justice. Elle résolut de se défaire d’un époux si gênant et forma  un complot avec…

  • The content society 4: the future of income

    EN A world without jobs In The Lights in the Tunnel: Automation, Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future (2009), Martin Ford predicts that our society faces systemic mass unemployment within a few decades. He reflects about the necessity to provide people with work-unrelated income in order to preserve the free market, which he…

  • The content society 3: value in a world of copiers

    EN The digital environment makes the old content economy obsolescent. This provides us with a chance to re-assess what is the value of content and, further, what is the purpose of value. Once again, I am trying to make sense of what is a very public debate in the 2010’s. Content is everywhere Content is…

  • The content society 2: the new faces of meaning

    EN I might have titled this article « the slow march to irrelevancy of language as we know it » because that is all I am going to talk about here (using, incidentally, the English language – quelle ironie !). Language, if anything, is meaning. (The sentence « you know what I mean » actually signals « I » have reached the limits…

  • The content society 1: 2012

    EN Thoughts about what I call, for lack of a better word, the « content society » keep nagging me lately. Let’s try to spell them out in order to achieve temporary peace of mind. Content in the news The news reports are buzzing with content-related conflicts: the “Search Plus Your World” update of the Google search…